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How it Works
Must be provided, using either an identification card or a valid Driver’s License issued by the state of Virginia or a valid Passport issued by the U.S. Government.
Must be a resident of Virginia and provide proof of residency.
Determined by the licensed practitioner where treatment could alleviate symptoms.
You will need to supply documentation that can be used to verify your medical condition.
This includes, but not limited to, things such as:
Medical records
Office visit summaries
Typed doctor’s notes
Pill bottles
And/or anything else that confirms your medical history with the condition.
Call the Office to schedule an appointment - (804) 441 – 8699
There is a $25 nonrefundable deposit at the time of booking.
Electronic Intake and Pre-screen formmust be completely filled out in order to be assessed on day of appointment.
A registered practitioner will review your case and perform an evaluation.
Patient Stories
real people, real results
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